Who is Juliet?
It is a truth universally known that when you do what you are passionate about something, it glitters.
A big dream. Two passions. Three things: London, a camera and a pen.
I am Sandra Ferreres, Juliet's "mother". Born in Barcelona (Spain) but my traveling and adventurous heart brought me to one of the most wonderful cities that can exist: London. Living here was a dream since my childhood. I got to make it true in 2019.
Although I studied law, my passion has always been telling stories, so I trained as a photographer, packed my bag (yes, just one) and came to London. Here, I joined my passions, storytelling and photography, to do what I like most and share it with others.
Juliet personifies this project. If you are thinking of the classic Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare, you are right, except that this Juliet is an adaptation (and let me say, improved) of the original. She is brave, faithful, thoughtful and kind. She knows how to reinvent herself and is resilient like the city that saw her being born. Her heart is full of colour and in her soul you find Jane Austen or Shakespeare himself, writing works of universal literature with their feathers. She is sharp, witty and intelligent like Agatha Christie, independent like Peter Pan and adventurous like Harry Potter, she has the cinematic eye of Alfred Hitchcock and the comic spirit of Charlie Chaplin.
She always says sorry and thank you (obviously), and drinks green tea (Earl's Grey), although she also really enjoys a good gin and tonic. Her favourite film is Titanic, but she prefers Love Actually at Christmas. She likes to walk around St. James's Park and sit down for a picnic with a view to Big Ben (when the weather permits it).
Juliet has her own bridge in London. Thanks to it, this project connects her with me, and more importantly, it is what connects her to the city of London and to her mission: create beauty, promote culture, tell stories and gift smiles. A bridge of union, expansion and growth, like the London Bridge.
Juliet´s Bridge is not just a brand, it is a concept, a clear idea and a big dream.
Juliet can be in anyone's dreams, do you want to meet her together?

Contact us
If you have questions, want to make a comment, want us to tell you something different that you can't find on the web, want to talk about Jane Austen, Love Actually, Titanic, Shakespeare, or Downton Abbey, or have a new idea, write to us!